China-U.S. Trade Law

The U.S. Election and China-U.S. Relations

          Dr. Elliot J. Feldman last week led discussions on the U.S. presidential election’s impact on China-U.S. relations at the University of Chicago Center in Beijing, the Beijing Arbitration Commission, and two other fora in Shanghai and Guangzhou. The video clips he prepared from the presidential debates exposed substantial anti-China rhetoric but also more nuanced policy positions. He forecast more bilateral trade disputes, but noted that President Obama’s re-election should contain any escalation in animus toward China that might have been featured in a Romney Administration. 

            Additionally, Dr. Feldman addressed business audiences about the legal and political hurdles Chinese investors may face when they invest in the United States, based on the treatise, Mergers and Acquisitions in the United States: A Practical Guide for Non-U.S. Buyers, that . BakerHostetler LLP has published with Aspen/Wolters Kluwer/CCH. Dr. Feldman is the editor and coauthor of the treatise, which has been published in both English and Chinese.   

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